1:1 Coaching

A monthly personalized exercise program to improve your strength, balance, and mobility. 

I am here to help!

  • Are you struggling with ongoing pain, stiffness, swelling?
  • Is your range of motion not where you want it to be?
  • Are you struggling with walking, stairs, or standing for long periods of time?
  • Are you trying to avoid surgery and want to try an exercise program first?
  • Are you wanting to work with Dr. Samantha Smith PT right before or after your surgery, revision or MUA to receive the best outcomes?

Dr. Samantha Smith PT is specialized in knee replacements and these are common symptoms that can be improved with a customized program. 

Let’s work together!

What do I get with the 1:1 coaching?

We will first schedule a 45-60 minute evaluation so we can figure out what areas to work on most. After the evaluation, a personalized exercise program will be sent to you to complete via Everfit, a fitness app.


Dr. Samantha Smith PT will provide personalized support throughout program.


1:1 Coaching

  • 60 minute evaluation video call with Dr. Samantha Smith PT to establish exercise plan
  • Ongoing support from Dr. Samantha Smith PT during program
  • Weekly exercises developed based on your needs
  • Never do the same exercises over and over!!
Schedule here